Outbuildings & Yard Sale Postcards

Dear Neighbor,

As you may be aware, we recently polled the HOA membership about their desire to allow outbuildings in the neighborhood.  I’m happy to say that we received enough votes to amend our bylaws to permit them, with certain restrictions.  NOTE:  This is a partial list due to space (the complete restrictions are available at https://www.prairieoakshoa.org/2019-outbuilding/): Only one building per dwelling; Design consistent with the general character as the dwelling and painted the same color; Roof shingles must match the dwelling; No permanent driveway or utilities; Maximum 8′ wall and 10′ roof peak; Must be firmly anchored to the ground; Siting restrictions; No more than 2 doors and four windows.  Contact the HOA Board at sheds@PriarieOaksHOA.org for approval before you begin construction or you may need to remove the building.

Also: the HOA Yard Sale this year will be from May 30 through June 1. Please email YardSale@PrairieOaksHOA.org to obtain your yard sale permit.

Thank you!

Jim Cummings,

President, Prairie Oaks HOA Board