HOA Board Meeting: Sunday September 19, 2021

The next meeting of the board of directors for the Prairie Oaks HOA will take place online at 3pm on Sunday September, 2021, at the Dub’s Dread golf course clubhouse. The scheduled agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome
  2. Secretary’s Report
  3. Previous meeting minutes
  4. Number of members in good standing
  5. List of individuals not in good standing

III. Treasurer’s Report

  1. Expenditures since last meeting
  2. Balance remaining in accounts
  3. Number of individuals that have not paid 2021 dues or are behind in dues
  4. Projected expenditures
  5. Committees Reports
  6. By exception
    1. Building (Jason)
    2. Covenant, Conditions and Restrictions (Kyle)
    3. Communications (Kurt)
    4. Finance (Mike)
    5. Welcome to the HOA
    6. Other Committees
    7. Business
  7. Common Areas
    1. 123rd & Clubhouse Entrance
      1. Electrical work repair old wiring
      2. Lighting for entrance
  • Tree that is dying 123rd Terrace and Clubhouse
  1. Old Pond and drainage issues (between Augusta and Marion)
    1. Update
    2. Remainder of Tree that is down (near Golf Course Pond)
  2. Common Interest
    1. Garage Sale 23-25 Sep 2021
  3. Complaints
    1. Between neighbors non-HOA enforceable
    2. Between neighbors HOA enforceable


  1. Waivers, Old or New Business not already covered
  2. General Discussion

VII. Next Planned Meeting date

January 23, 2022

VIII. Potential Emergency Meeting date

October 17, 2021

November 21, 2021

December 12, 2021

VIII. Adjournment