Dues Information

The following are answers to common questions about dues at Prairie Oaks.  If you have any other questions about dues which aren’t answered here, please email the Treasurer at treasurer@prairieoakshoa.org

(If you are a realtor, escrow, or title company agent working on the closing of a sale of a Prairie Oaks property, please email the Treasurer so we can update our record of homeowners accordingly.)

Q. How much are the annual dues?
A. The annual dues for calendar year 2023 and earlier are $75; effective January 1, 2024 the annual dues will be $100.

Q. What dates are covered for each payment?
A. Payments are for a calendar year (January 1 through December 31, inclusive) and are due by May 1.  Payments received after May 1 are subject to late fees.

Q. What if I don’t pay my dues on time?
A. If dues are not paid by May 1 then a late fee of $20 is added. If you have unpaid dues at the end of a calendar year then a 10% interest fee is added to your outstanding balance prior to the follow year’s dues being added.

Q. Is there a transfer or initiation fee?
A. No, but please email the Treasurer at treasurer@prairieoakshoa.org with information about the sale so the HOA’s records can be updated.

Q. Where should dues be mailed?
A. In addition to payment options online or coordinating in-person payment — we are neighbors! — payment for dues can be mailed to:

Prairie Oaks Homeowners Association
10940 Parallel Pkwy, STE K #245
Kansas City, KS  66109

Pay 2025 Dues Online

For residents who are otherwise current on their dues and only own the annual $100 fee, you can pay online by clicking the button below.

If you owe more than $100 and would like to pay online, please email treasurer@prairieoakshoa.org.